The Suffragettes of London

A violent fight for the women's right to vote

1.8 km
Start location
Lincoln's Inn Fields/Newman's Row
End location
The Royal Courts of Justice
1.5 hour(s)
Age rating

79 kr

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Lincoln's Inn Fields

The tour starts here, on the corner of the park, by the fountain.

Clement's Inn

Visit the location where WSPU had their first headquarters.

The British Library of Political and Economic Science

Make a stop here to take a look at some interesting photos.

St Clement's Press

Visit the location where the suffragette movement printed their popular magazines.

Lincoln's Inn House

Make a stop outside the building where WSPU moved their headquarters to.

Peacock Theatre

This is where the London Opera used to be located - the venue where the suffragettes held rallies and events.

St Clement Danes Church

This is close to where the suffragettes arranged a census boycott campaign.

The Royal Courts of Justice

The tour ends outside the architecturally impressive Royal Courts of Justice.

Locations you'll visit on this tour

  • Lincoln's Inn Fields
  • Clement's Inn
  • The British Library of Political and Economic Science
  • Peacock Theatre
  • St Clement Danes Church
  • The Royal Courts of Justice
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