Our StoryTours
An image of the Kajsarn prison tower in Visby. Next to it is a woman's hands, holding a smartphone with a puzzel of a torn up letter on the screen

Explore the Visby witch trials

A self-guided walking tour through Visby, based on the true story of the 1705 Visby witch trials.
The tale begins during spring, when a woman arrives in Visby looking for someone who can help her cure her flu. A short time later, three women have been accused of witchcraft, and are facing brutal interrogations and absurd accusations of a liaison with the Devil himself. Join your digital guide, a woman who knew the three accused, on a walk through Visby where you look for the truth.

Explore the University murder of 1829

A self-guided walking tour through Lund, based on the true story of the murder at Locus Peccatorum - House of Sins.

The story begins when two students arrive from the Gothenburg area to study at Lund University in 1825. Four years later, a murder has been committed and the student body organization will have been forever changed. Do you want to know more about what happened? Join your digital guide Malin, a criminology student who have researched the case, to explore the streets of Lund!

Two images, where the first is an illustration of Kurt Wallander standing in front of a photo screen, with his back turned towards us. In the second image, a person is on a walking tour, holding a smartphone in his hand. On the screen, a puzzle is visible

Lösen Sie einen Mordfall mit Kurt Wallander

StoryTourist und Leopard Förlag präsentieren: Eine selbstgeführte Tour durch Ystad, basierend auf der Erzählung “Der Tod des Fotografen” von Henning Mankell Die Umstände des gewaltsamen Todes des Fotografen Simon Lambert sind mysteriös, und der Fall wird noch dubioser, als Kurt Wallander ein Fotoalbum am Tatort entdeckt, das ein entstelltes Bild von ihm selbst enthält. Tauchen Sie ein in Kurt Wallanders Fall an seinen Schauplätzen in Ystad und nehmen Sie an den Ermittlungen teil mithilfe der App. Sammeln Sie Beweise und finden Sie Hinweise in der Umgebung, um den Mörder dingfest zu machen.

Two images, the first one is an illustration of Doctor Gabriel Glas. His face is obscured. In the second image, a person who is on a walking tour is holding a smartphone. On the screen, a puzzle is visible

En stadsvandring genom Stockholm i Doktor Glas fotspår

En självguidad stadsvandring genom Stockholm, baserad på Hjalmar Söderbergs roman. Det är en ovanligt varm sommar i Stockholm när Doktor Gabriel Glas antecknar sina reflektioner över livets meningslöshet i sin dagbok. Han är fångad i ett moraliskt dilemma och den enda vägen ut verkar vara…mord? I denna självguidade stadsvandring följer du en av Söderbergs mest kända karaktärer i hälarna när denne tungsint vandrar genom staden. Lyssna på historien på de platser där den utspelar sig, samtidigt som du genom appen får se foton och filmsekvenser som knyter ihop berättelse med verklighet.

Two images, the first one is an illustration of Sherlock Holmes holding up a blue jewel. In the second image, a person on a walking tour is holding up a smartphone. On the screen, a puzzle is visible

Solve a case with Sherlock Holmes

A self-guided audio walking tour through London based on a Sherlock Holmes adventure. Dr John Watson will be at your service in this self-guided audio walking tour – he has heard rumours that you aspire to become a detective and is ready to put you to the final test. He will tell you the story of the Blue Carbuncle, take you to the locations in London where the story takes place and help you through some serious puzzle-solving detective work! Once you have finished this tour you will be ready to call yourself an accomplished detective.

Two images, where the first is an illustration of Dr Jekyll holding a glass of red liquid in front of his face. In the second image, a person who is on a walking tour is holding a smartphone in their hand. On the screen, a puzzle is visible

Experience the horror of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in London

A thrilling audio tour game based on Robert Louis Stevenson’s short story “Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde”. An ambitious journalist who has uncovered the unbelievable story of the shapeshifting doctor, will guide you through the streets and alleys of the Fleet Street and Temple area on this chilling tour. You have to keep your eyes and ears open, as several clues, interactions and puzzles are hidden in your surroundings, just waiting for you to find them.Will you be able to unveil the horrible story of Doctor Jekyll and his alter ego Mr Hyde?

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